강사 소개

강동 ECC의 우수한 선생님을 소개합니다.

Helen Korea 강사
강사 Helen를 유튜브로 만나보세요

여러분만나서 반가워요 :)

Hi, I am Helen. After graduating from a university, I had worked for a company for a long time dealing with exporting and overseas projects. However, I always had a strong longing for teaching English, easpecially for younger children, which led me to a career as a teacher. Now, I have been teaching for almost 20 years for the students aged from kindergarten to high advanced level. To join KwangDong ECC makes me feel excited and determined to have a wonderful time. Learning English is a long ,tough, but essential process. I want to be a sincere teacher who takes hold of children's hands at all times. Thanks.