강사 소개

대치 ECC의 우수한 선생님을 소개합니다.

Bella Korea 강사 Bella Teacher
강사 Bella를 유튜브로 만나보세요

여러분만나서 반가워요 :)

Hello, everyone!

My name is Bella Teacher. I am so pleased to teach your children here at ECC Daechi.
To begin with, I lived in Canada for 6 years and have a TESOL degree. I also have diverse experiences involving children's educational environments because I love to spend my time with children and watch them grow. I understand how important effective communication between the parents and the school could be for 5 year olds. I am hoping to deliver news of daily lives of the students for you. I am thrilled to meet the children and looking forward to building our future!

Thank you.