강사 소개

대치 ECC의 우수한 선생님을 소개합니다.

Elana Mae USA 강사 Elana Teacher
강사 Elana Mae를 유튜브로 만나보세요

여러분만나서 반가워요 :)

Hello parents! My name is Elana and it is my first year at ECC Daechi and I am
excited for this year. Back in the USA, I studied Public Relations at Eastern
Michigan University and worked at an elementary school in Detroit, Michigan.
I had the opportunity to teach and work with children from ages 5 to 11 years
old. In Sun class, I am excited to see students’ English blossom in an engaging
environment. As their teacher, it is important for students to feel comfortable in their
classroom. I know it can be difficult and frustrating for students to learn a new language,
so I strive to foster a safe space to ask questions and make mistakes. These mistakes
are an opportunity for students to grow and it is one of the most important components
of education. Learning is also a collaboration between teachers and students, in this
class I am excited to work alongside students to find the best way to engage in material
for them to thrive.