강사 소개

대치 ECC의 우수한 선생님을 소개합니다.

Karlee USA 강사 Karlee Teacher
강사 Karlee를 유튜브로 만나보세요

여러분만나서 반가워요 :)

Hello, parents! My name is Karlee and it is my first year at ECC Daechi. I look forward to what’s to come this year! I graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a major in Asian Languages and Linguistics and a minor in Film, Television, and Digital Media. I have had the privilege in the past to work with a vast range of kids, including children ages three to teenagers age eighteen. With the Eros and Terra classes, I am thrilled for the coming year and what the children will accomplish; they all have so much potential! Kids have this amazing ability to absorb knowledge and learn at astounding speeds, and I am anticipating the great progress the kids in Eros and Terra will make this coming year. I am grateful for the opportunity to teach your children, and I have high hopes for what’s ahead!