강사 소개

양주 ECC의 우수한 선생님을 소개합니다.

Janice Korean 강사 Hello :)
강사 Janice를 유튜브로 만나보세요

여러분만나서 반가워요 :)

Hello :)
My name is Janice, and I’m a Korean Teacher of YBM Yangju ECC.
I'm glad to meet you!
It’s been 8 years since I began teaching children and with my extensive experience, I will make every effort to make sure that they learn English in a fun and confident way.
English is a language completely different from Korean, and I believe it is an area where students can enjoy learning something interesting and different.
Moreover, I’ll be happy to provide a well-structured YBM Yangju ECC curriculum in order to help them further in their lives.